Pentair Kreepy Krauly Kruiser Suction Pool Cleaner Review

The Kreepy Krauly Kruiser is an affordable and reliable suction-side inground pool cleaner that is easy to assemble, install and maintain. Overall, it seems like a good automatic suction pool cleaner for the money.

Kreepy Krauly Kruiser: Quick Overview

The Kreepy Krauly Kruiser might be described as an updated version of the very popular Kreepy Krauly automatic vacuum pool cleaners. It has an extra-wide intake and strong suction power for removing both small and large debris from the surfaces of an inground swimming pool.

This suction-side pool cleaner is probably halfway between the XtremepowerUS generic Kreepy Krauly and the real Pentair Kreepy Krauly. It is only a few dollars cheaper than the original Kreepy Krauly, but you still get the assurance of the Pentair brand name. Here are its basic features:

  • Easy connection to the skimmer or a vacuum line without using any tools.
  • The obstacle bumper is built into the pool cleaner head.
  • Regulator valve for setting the best cleaning speed.
  • Seal pad with curved edges for navigating over and around obstacles.
  • Wide suction port to vacuum large debris.

The Kreepy Krauly Kruiser is made for cleaning inground swimming pools only. It does not work for above ground pools. It will probably work for most pool shapes and pool surfaces.

Is it difficult to install the Kreepy Krauly Kruiser?

Installing the Kreepy Krauly Kruiser vacuum pool cleaner is not difficult. It comes with the hoses, regulator valve and valve cone needed for a skimmer basket connection. This is the standard installation method, and you do not need any tools to do this.

The installation is easy to do without using any tools, just follow the instructions to connect it to the skimmer (or a dedicated vacuum line). However, you might have to make adjustments to get it to run efficiently in your particular inground swimming pool.

You can also do an alternative installation, if your pool system has a dedicated vacuum line. A safety vac-lock fitting is included in the box for a dedicated suction port installation. The Pentair Kreepy Krauly Kruiser manual should tell you what you need to know for assembling and installing this automatic vacuum pool cleaner.

How many hose sections are included with the Kreepy Krauly Kruiser?

Twelve hose sections are included with the pool cleaner body. Each hose section is about 3 feet long (one meter). This translates into about 36 feet of pool cleaner hose after all the sections are connected together. Two hose weights are also included. The hose weights are added at various points on the hose sections in order to keep the pool cleaner head at the right 45-degree angle for the best vacuum performance. This ensures that the seal stays flat on the pool floor.

Is a leaf catcher canister included with the Kreepy Krauly Kruiser?

An in-line leaf catcher canister is not included in the box. You have to buy a leaf trap canister separately, and then add it between two of the hose sections (buy leaf trap on Amazon – paid link).

You should probably install it close to the skimmer, so that it is within easy reach when it is time to clean the leaf catcher canister. This type of product traps leaves before they reach the pool filter basket. Otherwise, the pump strainer will need regular cleaning during the leafy seasons.

A short review of the Kreepy Krauly Kruiser.

How does the Kreepy Krauly Kruiser compare to the Zodiac G3?

These automatic vauum pool cleaners are both made for residential inground swimming pools. They are connected to either the skimmer or a dedicated suction line.

The Kruiser is a simple suction pool cleaner that has only one moving part. In contrast with the diaphragm of the Zodiac G3, the Kreepy Krauly Kruiser has a flapper unit. The diaphragm provides silent operation. The flapper might make flapping noises, although the Kruiser seems to have a silent flapper design that reduces operational noise.

Should you spend more money to get the Zodiac G3 suction-side pool cleaner? You may read my Zodiac G3 review to learn more about its features and performance in the pool.

Final Verdict

The Kreepy Krauly Kruiser cleans most of the pool surfaces, except for the steps and stairs. The trick is to put the hose weights in the right place to get suction flowing at the right rate. If you can get the installation right, then it will perform almost as good as the more expensive Kreepy Krauly suction inground pool cleaners. It will definitely surpass the performance and reliability of the cheap suction-side pool cleaners that are based on the old Kreepy Krauly design.

In brief, the Pentair Kreepy Krauly Kruiser is an affordable automatic pool cleaner, it does not require much effort to install, and it does a good job cleaning an inground swimming pool. Even so, it might sometimes get stuck in a corner, on the main drain, or spend too much time in the deep end. Nevertheless, the Kreepy Krauly Kruiser provides good value for money (click here for current pricing on Amazon – paid link).