I do not know why you would want to swim while the robotic pool cleaner is busy cleaning the pool, but I guess it could happen if you are very impatient to swim.
It is possible to swim while the robotic pool cleaner is cleaning the swimming pool, but it is not recommended. Splashing around in the pool disturbs the water, which could have an adverse effect on the way that the pool robot operates. If the power supply is plugged into a GFCI outlet, then the risk of electric shock while swimming is very small. Nevertheless, swimming in a pool while a robotic pool cleaner is working might not be worth the risk. Therefore, switch off the robotic pool cleaner and remove it from the pool before you swim.
Should you remove the robotic pool cleaner after it has finished cleaning?
You might leave the robot in the pool if you are feeling very lazy. Otherwise, you should take it out and clean the filter basket, bags, or cartridges. The pool robot will then be ready to rumble the next time you want to use it. Remember, a dirty filter will prevent it from cleaning consistently and thoroughly.
If you do not run the robotic pool cleaner every day, then the lazy way would be to just leave it in the pool while setting the weekly schedule function to let it clean three times a week. However, you still need to clean the filter basket. A clogged filter cartridge or dirty filter bag will significantly decrease the cleaning efficiency of the robotic pool cleaner.
If you keep the pool cleaning robot in the pool for the whole season, then things like chlorine or sun exposure will have a negative impact on the color of the plastic components. Constant exposure to water, wetness and the weather might take its toll on the power supply unit and the floating cord.
I think you should remove the robotic cleaner from the swimming pool after every cleaning cycle to clean the filter basket. However, if you are using the weekly scheduler function on the power supply, you will obviously have to put the robot back into the water. I guess it depends on how dirty the swimming pool gets during the week.
Can a robotic pool cleaner be left in the pool for a long time?
Even though robotic pool cleaners are made to spend their time in the water, it does not mean that you should keep it in the pool forever. For example, it is recommended that you remove the pool cleaning robot from the pool before you add chemicals, and to wait until the right pH balance is established. Once the water treatment is complete, then you can use the robot again.
Some robotic pool cleaners have a power supply with a weekly scheduler. Therefore, keeping the pool robot in the swimming pool for a week at a time is not impossible. However, the power supply is only water-resistant, so you should put it into storage if it is going to rain.
The disadvantage to keeping the robotic pool cleaner in the swimming pool all the time is that the exposure to water chemistry and sunlight might fade or damage the housing and cords. Nonetheless, during summer, the robot will probably be in the pool most of the time, except when people are swimming.
How long does a robotic pool cleaner last?
Generally, a pool robot does not last for more than a few years before needing replacement with a new model. Unlike some suction-side or pressure-side pool cleaners, you do not keep on replacing worn out parts. You just buy a new pool robot when the old one takes its last beep, or gives up the machine ghost.
If you are uncertain which pool cleaner you should buy, then take a look at my guides about the best pool cleaners for above ground pools, or the most popular pool cleaners for inground swimming pools.
Can the robotic pool cleaner cause electric shocks?
It is not impossible that a faulty or damaged robotic pool cleaner might shock you to death, even though the chances of that happening are very rare. Generally, pool electrocution accidents happen due to electrical faults from underwater lights.
Nevertheless, a pool robot runs on electricity that is supplied to it by way of a floating cord, so a damaged cord could cause a problem. This is why it is important that the swimming pool equipment and the power supply unit of the robot is connected to circuits and outlets that have GFCI protections.
A ground-fault circuit interrupter, or GFCI, can significantly reduce the risk of electrocution: for this reason, it is recommended that all electrical circuits and wiring that might come into contact with water have this installed. Furthermore, the wiring for the swimming pool equipment should be up to standard. It should have proper bonding and grounding, so that the circuit breaker trips if there is a short circuit somewhere in the electrical system.
How do you know if your pool is dangerously electrified?
Should you dip your big toe into the pool to test the water? Probably not, so do not try this at home. I can only think of two ways in which a swimming pool might become electrified and dangerous.
First, someone decides that having a television near the edge of the pool is a great idea. We can watch the football match while cooling off in the pool. However, if the television set falls over, or the extension cord falls into the pool, then things are going to get sizzling hot. If you want a television or radio near the pool, please install it in a safe spot away from the water where it will not cause trouble.
Second, pool lights make the pool look cool at night, but you certainly do not want it to light up any swimmers. Swimming pool lights should be well-made and installed by a qualified electrician. Installing a pool light in the swimming pool is not the same thing as changing the light bulb in the bathroom. Furthermore, you should regularly inspect all the pool lights for signs of damage or malfunction.
While it is probably impossible to know if a pool is electrified unless you notice a malfunction or a tripped circuit breaker switch, there are steps you can take to prevent this shocking situation. For example, you can hire an electrician to check all the wiring to make sure that everything is still properly wired. In addition, you should upgrade the pool lights to the best quality that you can afford. Avoid the cheap stuff, or you might be in for a nasty shock.
It is possible to swim in the pool without removing the robotic pool cleaner. However, there is a tiny risk of electrocution should any of the electrical components develop a fault. Moreover, the floating power cord of the pool cleaning robot might get in the way of swimming (unless you have a cordless robotic pool cleaner). Furthermore, you do not want to splash water all over the power supply unit, seeing as it is not waterproof.
To conclude, the recommendation is that you remove the robotic pool cleaner before you start swimming.
Photo by Bernd ?? Dittrich on Unsplash.